How Energy Work can bring lasting stress relief

This mind body spirit stress relief technique not only alleviates the symptoms of stress but will support you in making whatever changes are needed to create a more stress free world for yourself.

  • I can muscle test what the body needs to bring relief to structural pain, aching muscles and deep weariness.
  • I include kinesiology techniques to address the psychological and emotional causes of the stress.
  • I rebalance your energy system so you can move forward in a clear and conscious way.

Dealing with stress

Stress is a normal and essential part of growing and learning. Without it we’d be lazy.

Sometimes stress is too great for our resources to deal with. Everyone has a different tolerance level. When stress is too much to deal with, the overload on the adrenals can have a negative impact on:

  • our digestion,
  • our ability to rest properly,
  • our ability to concentrate and think,
  • our ability to respond to emotionally challenging situations.

Experiencing these challenges can have far reaching impacts on our health, our career, our ability to learn and our relationships.

Some people are naturally better at handling stress than others, but no matter what your threshold is, Kinesiology gives you the opportunity to change the way you handle stress in your life and for you to feel able to take on and possibly even relish the challenges you experience.

Contact me:

ph. 07769413090

Where to get a treatment

Lewes, East Sussex.

Ashcombe Lane

Forest Row, East Sussex.

Riverside Practise
RH18 5FS

Online sessions are available if you are unable to visit me.