Food Allergy Testing & Tolerance Testing with Kinesiology
Kinesiology is an extremely practical tool for allergy testing with foods and other substances. I use kinesiology-based muscle testing from an extensive list of foods, herbs, supplements and more to provide you with practical guidelines specific to your body’s needs.
What happens in a session?
We’ll start with a chat about why you have concerns about allergies and symptoms you may be experiencing. After that, we do what is called a Meridian Energy Balance with makes sure all your meridians are in neutral so that we can be sure of accurate muscle testing.
The allergy testing process involves me working through an extensive list of substances and testing where your muscles show a loss of energy. When I identify an item you need to know about, for example grapes, I can then drill down into whether you need to have more grapes, avoid them completely or limit your consumption of them to no more than once a week.
You will take home a list of what to include, limit and exclude from your diet and your daily life in order to feel healthy and well.
Allergy Testing is really the very beginning of what Kinesiology can do for you if you are experiencing allergy symptoms. Read more on my site about Kinesiology for allergies.
“Following some amazing energy work with Charlotte and the adjustment of supplements, foods and energy balancing, I now am in a fantastic space. Kinesiology works!“