Covid Protocol
I cannot guarantee that attending an in person appointment for Kinesiology is completely risk-free in terms of exposure to Coronavirus.
However if we work together by understanding and sticking to the following protocol we can significantly diminish any risk, and take care of ourselves and others:
- If you wish for us both to wear a face mask throughout your treatment please inform me by email or text message prior to your treatment.
- You are welcome to use your own face mask or alternatively I can sell you one at cost price.
- Please use the alcohol based hand sanitiser on arrival.
- If you have arrived early please wait in your car until the time of your appointment.
- Please don’t touch the door handles either when entering or leaving the treatment room. I will open the door for you!
- Please bring a couple of clean towels or sheets with you in a bag when coming for treatment. This saves me from having to change & launder new towels / blankets / pillowcases after every treatment, which is simpler and more eco friendly!
In addition to the above, I will be:
- Wearing a face visor, as recommended by the Kinesiology Federation.
- Washing my hands whenever I either leave or enter the treatment room.
- Using alcohol based hand sanitiser before and after I touch you.
- Cleaning down the chair, desk, treatment couch and anything else that has been touched by the previous patient after they have left the treatment room using 70% Isopropyl Alcohol.
- Airing the treatment room for a minimum of one hour between treatments.